About Identity Publications

Identity Publications was started by educator-and-entrepreneur-turned-author Gregory V. Diehl. The company was founded on the idea that for the right kind of author and message, writing and publishing a book is the ideal way to gain exposure, respect, and royalties. With targeted influence, a once-unknown message can change the world in a specific and powerful way.
For almost four centuries, it has been difficult for ordinary people to become published authors, as even small publishing contracts required enormous faith and investment in the author. Only a few organizations had the production, distribution, and marketing capacity to turn an unknown author into a success.
Many of the most successful authors today only got their big breaks after struggling for years, penniless, to find someone willing to take a chance. If a writer did not already have a connection to someone in a position of authority at a publishing house, their chances of even being considered were slim.
Fortunately, times have changed.

Gregory V. Diehl – Founder
My introduction to independent publishing came abruptly and with misfortune. In 2015, I was approached by the owner of a digital author lab with the prospect of assisting with the creation, launch, and marketing of a branding book. The owner of this fraudulent company convinced me I could create a unique book that would be valued and respected among business readers.
Once I learned that the woman I hired had no ability to or intention of delivering what I paid her thousands of dollars to accomplish, I became determined to finish writing and launching the book on my own. After months of meticulous work, Brand Identity Breakthrough became an Amazon bestseller in Public Relations and Sales for Small Business upon launch. It has now sold over 15,000 copies.
My early relative success inspired me to investigate what else could be done with nonfiction publishing for myself and other authors with important messages. Since then I've written and published seven of my own books (which have been translated into four languages) and have many more on the way. I've assisted in various aspects of production and publication on countless others from other authors.
I started Identity Publications to give a polished voice to people seeking an outlet for their unique perspectives on important topics. I've been able to draw on my experience of teaching and coaching around the world to help people craft and refine their messages in their first books. My background of education, sales, coaching, consulting, and writing puts me in a unique position to help prospective authors figure out what they are trying to say and the best way to say it. I can work with them to make their messages complete yet accessible to the target audience that will become their dedicated readers.
Learn more about me by visiting https://www.gregorydiehl.net/